Have you planned for certifying with exam 70-290? Then you need to know about certain things about this exam. The foremost thing that you need to know is the exam name and the exam name is MCSE windows 2003 server environment. You might have heard about this certification benefits and the job opportunities after successful completion. Yes! It’s all true but you need to accept one fact that MCSE
certification 70-290 exam is not very easy to pass as it is mentioned in any of the advertisements.
Candidates who are planning to certify with this
MCSE Certification should plan well and put some hard work in order to certify successfully. The following tips can help you to pass this examination easily.
1) The foremost step is to get some related work/ industry experience and also Microsoft recommends the candidates to have some at least 6 months work experience before applying for this test.
2) You can even set a small network in your home and practice for the exam as like working in a lab. This option will always help you in effective practice and you will get interested in studying practically rather than sitting with a text book.
3) It will be very helpful to the candidates if they know about the exam objectives. The exam
70-290 objectives are:
a) Managing computers, users and groups
b) Implementation and managing the disaster recovery
c) Maintaining and managing access to the resources
d) Maintaining and managing the server environment
e) Maintaining and managing the local as well as physical devices
After knowing about the exam objectives, candidates can have a better idea on studying and it will be very helpful when they practice.